Women's Services
The Women's Tefillah is held every three to six months and is a Shabbat morning prayer service. Our Tefillah is an important opportunity for women to meet the challenge of Jewish spiritual expression and become full participants in prayer. We also regard the tefillah as a learning experience to enable women to better understand prayer and make the study of Torah more meaningful.
In our group women daven together, read from the Torah, and lead the services. We follow the traditional Shabbat morning services and the prayers according to the halachah. We traditionally also hold women's hakkafot for Simchat Torah with singing and dancing with the scrolls and reading from the Torah with the opportunity for all present to have an Aliya; the atmosphere is joyous and participatory. There is sometimes also a women's Rosh Hodesh Group group which meets on Rosh Hodesh morning at the start of each Jewish month, and holds a variety of activities which are different every month. If you would like more information please contact our enquiries team on 07525 785 200 or [email protected] . |