Oxford JSoc
Oxford University Jewish Society
Providing for the needs of the 500-strong Jewish student population of Oxford. Oxford JSoc (Jewish Society) is not just a religious society; our aims and likewise our events are varied in their nature. JSoc organises social, educational as well as religious events for students of all shades of observance - ranging from those who go to shul three times a day to three times a year. With prestigious speakers, cocktail parties, bagel brunches and of course Friday night meals, JSoc provides a unique opportunity to mix with other Jewish students. We also provide meals every night of the week during term time at the Oxford Jewish Centre so eating kosher food in Oxford should never be an issue. Charges are reasonable. Look on the JSoc website for further details or contact the JSoc president Oxford has its very own Chaplains, Tracey and Michael Rosenfeld-Schueler. They are around not just to educate, but for any help on any issue, however mundane you might think it is. Contact Rabbi Michael. Whilst the OJC is the home of JSoc, we have plenty of events that take place in colleges, which is a great way to get to know Oxford. We have 'lunch n learns' most days of the week on a plethora of controversial and interesting Jewish issues. Traditionally Jsoc has been at the heart of many interfaith and intersociety events, from barbeques to football matches. Despite having events most days of the week, Friday nights are at the heart of JSoc. With themed dinners, speakers and of course chicken soup (that will never match up to Grandma's but we try), Friday night services are a great way to end the week. The JSoc lounge combined with an abundance of alcohol ensures that Friday nights not only a meal, but one of the best social events of your week. Oxford Brookes Oxford Brookes has a small but thriving Jewish community. We hold Lunch and Learns two or three times a week on campus and have numerous social events throughout the term. Whilst being a separate University, we are fully integrated into JSoc life in town and as a committee are there to facilitate this. We regularly get a good turnout at Friday nights at the OJC (with the main JSoc) but would love to see more Brookes students at all events so will provide taxis if enough Brookes people want to attend. |