We are unique. Why? Because whatever your background or your tradition, your level of observance or your circumstances, you have a home at the OJC. However Jewish you feel, you will find a welcoming community that embraces and recognises everybody.
It’s not just that we hold services for Orthodox, Masorti and Progressive forms of prayer, sometimes simultaneously. It’s not just that we provide for all the Jews in Oxford, be they permanent residents, students or just visitors passing through. It’s that we recognise there is no single kind of Judaism that fits everybody, no one size that fits all. We want all Oxfordshire Jews to be our members and we value the contribution that each individual makes. The OJC encourages membership of the Congregation for all Jewish residents and for anyone who is visiting for any extended period of time, while undergraduates are automatically considered to be members during their time studying in Oxford. And if you’ve been put off membership in other places, or even Oxford, in the past because you have felt excluded – perhaps you are not at all observant or you are married to someone who isn’t Jewish – think again. You will be just as welcome in our community as those who are already members, and perhaps like some people, you will come to realise that Oxford is the only place you can really belong. Because it really is unique. Parts of the building can be hired for private use, and schools are welcome to visit the Synagogue during the week. Contact our Centre Manager for details. For all other queries please contact our Community Development Officer. |