Address: 21 Richmond Road, Oxford OX1 2JL
Phone: 01865 514 356 | 07525 785 200 E-mail: [email protected] If you are interested in visiting the Oxford Jewish Centre please contact [email protected] to check when the building is open and when there would be a suitable member of staff available to show you around. Please note that parking is very difficult in Oxford City Centre and allow plenty of time to find somewhere to park. There is some two hour parking on local streets and some paid parking in central Oxford. Thank you! |
Name |
Description |
Email |
Mobile |
Adult Education |
Mosaic |
07525 785200 |
Bereavements Chevra Kadisha Funeral arrangements |
Bereavements |
01865 311124 |
BLESS -Bereavement and Loss |
Bereavement, , Loss and Emotional Support Service |
Britot, Bar and Bat mitzvot, weddings |
Life cycle celebrations |
07525 785200 |
Cheder |
Sunday Jewish education for school-age children |
Community Development |
Development & communal diary holder |
07525 785200 |
Helping Hands |
Care and support |
07768 378311 |
Rabbi Michael Rosenfeld-Schueler |
Student chaplaincy |
07717 742835 |
Oxford Jewish Centre |
Centre manager |
01865 514356 |
Membership of the OJC |
Membership secretary |
Morning Minyan |
Weekday services - Morning minyan |
07717 742835 |
OJC Administrator |
01865 514356 |
OJC Management Committee |
Committee Chairman |
OJC President |
President |
Enquiries |
Enquiries |
07525 785200 |
High Holy Days Hospitality |
Hospitality |
07525 785200 |
Playshul |
Playgroup for 5 & under |