One of the highlights of the young people’s calendar is our annual Kaytana, week-long summer day camp for children aged 5 to 13. Kaytana was started in 2000 and has been running ever since. There is a specific theme to the camp programme each year, based on historic events and periods in Jewish life or topics connected to Jewish life. Previous themes have included Life in the Shtetl, Medieval Jewish Oxford, The Golden Age of Spain, the Story of Masada, and a Virtual Tour of Israel, Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World).
The children explore their heritage in a friendly and creative environment: arts and crafts, drama, games, singing, dancing, cookery, plus outdoor and sporting activities are all employed to bring Jewish history and culture alive. The programme is adapted for each age group, with the older children also being taught youth leadership skills. The camp is now organised by our community development officer assisted by local young people, including university students and teens, with oversight by qualified and experienced members. We take particular pride in seeing children who began to attend at a young age growing up to be helpers and madrichim. For further information and for an application form please contact [email protected]. |